Thursday, February 26, 2015

Questions about World War 1.

1. July 28, 1914 is the date that World War 1 began. World War one started from a chain reaction of events. On June 28 Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was killed while attending a military review. He was called by a nationalist, Gavrilo Princip. War was declared and there were so many alliances that one on country was attacked another was their to defend it. Before World War 1 began Russia was in  alliance with Serbia, Germany was in alliance with Austria- Hungary, France was in alliance with Russia, while Britain was in alliance with France, Russia, and Belgium. The sides were Germany, Austria- Hungary,  and the Ottoman Empire know as the central powers against Great Britain, Russia, Japan, Italy, and France known as the allied powers.
2. On April 6, 1917 the U.S. joined World War 1. The Senate voted 82 to 6 to join and the House Representatives voted 373 to 50. The reason for this was that America was trading with Great Britain and Germany keeping sinking American ships and killing Americans on other unarmed ships.
3. The Central powers began to collapse. Turkey and Austria- Hungary signed armistices while Great Britain, American, and France pushed further into Germany.  On November 11, 1918 all fighting on the Western Front stopped.
4. There were two major Armistices that ended the war. They ended the war on the Western front and the Italian front. The Armistice of Compiegne- allied forces declared victory over Germany. It was signed November 11, 1918.  Armistice of Villa Guili- Austria- Hungary negotiated peace with Italy. It was signed November 3, 1918.There were also peace treaties that ended World War 1. The Treaty of Versailles was signed between allied powers and Germany and signed on June 28, 1919. Wilson's demands were no secret treaties,  countries must seek to reduce their number of weapons and armed forces, all countries should be apart of the League of Nations, and national self-determination should allow people of the same nationality to govern themselves and one nationality should not have the power to govern another. Treaty of Sainte-Germai-in-Laye was a peace treaty between the allied powers and the Republic of  Australia. Treaty of Neuilly was a peace treaty between Bulgaria and the allied powers.
5. Could World War 1 have been prevented or ended sooner?

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